Judy Goodman, CPC, CSRC, CRC


Working and Teaching Beyond Conventional Wisdom

April 2015 


     Are you afraid to change?  Sometimes we are so stuck in our life's process that we don't know that we are stuck.  When this is happening, we often wonder why the same thing keeps happening, over and over.  You know, sort of like Bill Murray in 'Groundhog Day,' being trapped in a time warp.  In most instances, we have not learned how to approach change differently; we do the same thing hoping for a different result.  One thing we might consider... If the past is in charge, we are not going anywhere nor are we making room for the change we seek. 

     When we allow ourselves to remain stuck, it is similar to being exiled from a life of growth and choice.  If you do nothing different, everything repeats itself as if it is the first time it happened.  Having said that, if you can change even one thing, that movement alone will create a ripple that will change the eventual outcome.  If you are stuck, make a solid commitment to change something important to you!  During your 'change process,' move things around in every place you can.  Don't sit in the same chair; move art and/or home decor around; drive a different way to your favorite grocery store; freshen up some of the colors that are around you.  It will be most important to make changes in your bedroom.  Do what you can to make an entirely different flow in the bedroom; this is the place you rest your body, and where you are most vulurnable.  From this single place we may be slipping out of body to grow spiritually.  This is most often where we are when our spirit guides, or teachers, come and stand with us while teaching us.

     If you keep asking for different things, and if you do nothing to make changes... The God of your understanding and/or the Universe might perceive that you like things just the way they are.  Don't let fear, or complacency, rob you of a better life!

   I am pretty sure I heard a little something whispering in the wind!  I know that Judy Goodman will be telling us all something special real soon... 

   If you keep watching, and listening, you will also find out...

Clue #1  What a long journey it must have been!

Make an appointment!

Judy Goodman


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   It is not enough to stop saying the negative things in  your life; you must also say positive things about your life.  We must be willing to look back and embrace the components of who we have been, whether good or bad.  We must face each dark shadow and embellish every illuminated experience.  Whatever is in our past, we are not that person now.  We must mesh knowledge and experience into this phase of our journey.  

   Take some time to look at behavioral issues you don't understand.  In some situations what appears to be a mysterious issue in our life, could turn out to be a well orchestrated 'soul contract,' or a 'past-life carryover.'  It is true that we should live in the present and we are the sum total of all things we have been.  Sometimes the ability to bring it all together, to reach the highest and best good of this lifetime, hinges on the discovery of something in our past.

   A recent client came to me after having a panic attack that sent her to the emergency room.  There had been other similar events, but it would seem that this was the one that would get her attention.  Her doctor told her she might not be able to work again.  During our conversation I found out that she had been on an overseas flight when she suffered another attack.  Her panic was so profound that she wanted to open a door, or window, to get some air.  I can only imagine how horrible this was for her.

   Each situation will be a little bit different, and yours might not have this type of answer.  As it turned out, this was a full blown case of past life carry-over.  She had brought a situation into this lifetime in order to deal with, and finally remove, extraordinary fear and pain.  As I sat with her I began to see a past life where she was a young girl that had been buried alive.  There are many incredible details, but the bottom line was that the knowledge would be what would set her free.  This will not be the answer for many situations, but it was for her.  She had done the right thing by seeing a doctor and pursuing medical treatment.  In this case, there was more to the story...

Boston, Mass    August 21 - 28

   An all day presentation with Judy Goodman and Ken Elliott, 10:00 - 5:00 on August 22nd. Topic and cost to be announced.  Location information will be posted shortly.  Private appointments with Judy on Sunday/Monday the 23rd and 24th.  These appointments must be scheduled in advance!

   Sometimes we hear someone referred to as an "old soul."  You might even feel that way yourself!  Here are some thoughts that might help us understand what this might mean, or what it might feel like.

   For those of us that feel we have traveled, and made this trip of life many times; we are very often good listeners.  We don't usually become vested in the problems we hear, but have the ability to help others make effective changes.  We have gone through this process many times ourselves, and as a result have fine tuned our gut instincts.  We have learned to trust our gut instincts. During this process of traveling thru life, we reach a stage where we just feel old.  No matter what our chronological age is, we feel old; no matter how young at heart we are, we feel old.  Perhaps as a child you had some trouble adjusting to society, or just fitting in with others - or even working well with our parents.  Others might have thought of you as a maladjusted child.

   While growing up, you probably appreciated 'good things,' and you may have even enjoyed your own attachment to those name brands.  Having said this, you find yourself caring more for quality than quantity.  You are just not a materialistic person.  You cry, and grieve like everyone else, but you see the bigger picture in all things, and you don't fall apart easily. At this juncture of life, you are thankful for almost everything, and walk in gratitude!

   You may seem withdrawn as you see the deeper connection of life.  Your mind is busy thinking thru ways to help make changes at a very large scale.  You will appreciate different religious belief systems, but find yourself to be very spiritual.  Your belief rises above organized religions, yet allows you to appreciate what others think, and feel.  You probably believe that no belief system gives us the right to hurt, harm or control others.  You see that at our core, we are more 'alike' than 'different.'

   You probably believe that knowledge is what sets us free; wisdom is gained from countless encounters with every aspect of humanity; truth and love is the spirit that binds each of us to everything else.  As an old soul we enjoy people, places, and things, but often feel alone with others.  Even so...there is a peace and calm that is within our very core!  Are you an old soul?

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