What would it
take to change your life right now? |
you begin the process of making changes, take a moment to reflect on
your accomplishments. Never measure yourself against
the experience of another
person. For some of us, an accomplishment might be
as simple as not giving into 'rage or anger' because of events of
our lives. It might be helpful if you make a list of them and
decide which ones were fulfilling; which accomplishments gave you
great satisfaction. It is also important to change our thought
process when we are dealing with our problems, no matter what they
might be. Our words are our power! The words we speak
become our reality so it is important to be careful of the things we
speak into our mind, body and spirit.
As you begin the process of changing your words; take a moment
to identify and eliminate the things that drain you.
Before you eliminate anything in your life, HEAL the situation
first. Don't just walk away from a painful situation, give it
the attention that it needs, heal it within your own heart or you
may find yourself repeating it. After all, these events serve
as teachers and help us accomplish our 'soul contract' of this life.
An example of speaking a reality into your mind, body spirit
would be: When we continue to say to someone, "I am sick
and tired of this whole situation." In saying this
we are programming our body to become "sick and tired." When
you continue to lament and say how lonely you are, the loneliness
will grow and overwhelm you. Change your thought process, get
busy and allow the process to complete itself. Do you see how
simple it might be to change the course of our pains and illness?
Your words can create your pain and
suffering! If you do not face your issues and deal with them,
you may be creating your 'dis-ease' which may become your disease
and illness. Is this the way you want to live your life? Many
times we overcomplicate our healing process; It is important to keep
the 'healing' as simple and basic as you can.
Never forget how important your words are to your children
and/or companion. The important people in your life will rise
to your level of expectations. If you tell your children how
"stupid" or how "bad" they are, they will meet almost all of your
expectations. Do not make negative comments about someone;
This is particularly true where children are concerned.
Sometimes we forget that the ears of children seldom miss anything.
If you speak negative thoughts - and they hear you, those words will
serve to reinforce that behavior. Always find good and
complimentary things to say to your special people, they will rise
to the great heights you place before them. You teach by example,
not by words.
Teach by example, not by your words.
When you are ready to make the changes in your life, ask yourself
'what things absolutely need my help now'? Make a list so you
can update it occasionally and be more aware of the progress you are
making. When you reach a place of forgiveness, peace and
love within your spirit, those around you will be able to see the
difference and will want to know what you did to change. The changes
are often so apparent that others will ask what new vitamin you are
Very often in our every day life it feels
very much like we are juggling many different situations. Some
people are more adept at juggling than others. Once in a while
you may need to stop juggling and start living. Remember
that, in all things, you have a choice. It is okay to drop a
ball once in a while; it is okay to make a mistake sometimes.
It is through our adversities that we grow and learn just how strong
we really are. You do not have to be perfect! If you feel as
though you have made mistakes, consider this... The real tragedy of
making a mistake would be in continuing the situation and not
learning from the experience.
Now that you have begun the changes and are
facilitating the healing process, remember that every good thing
requires nurturing. With regard to the good things of your
life, honor them and nurture them. Seek out new
experiences and create new expressions of the magnificent soul that
you truly are.
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Whatever it is that you want to be
different, find the words and start giving yourself permission to
make the change. You should always remember this:
Sometimes when we allow the changes to come into our lives, things
will actually get worse before they get better. If you are in
a process of growth, pain, grief (no matter what the pain is) you
must reach the bottom of the situation in order to rise from it.
If you do not allow yourself the full experience, you may go through
the entire thing again.
to give yourself permission to find the strength, wisdom and
understanding to face your challenges. It would help if you
could incorporate this into a kind of meditation.
'Permission Statements'
Turning your life around with simple words...
this as a guide to make up your own statements! |
I give myself permission to fully
connect to my higher self; I give my body permission to be
healthy, happy and whole; I give myself permission to lose
weight in a healthy, normal way. If there are lessons to be
learned because I have gained the weight, I give myself permission
to accept them, be at peace with the lessons and release them;
I give myself permission to be a better
person, to be more patient, loving and understanding; I give
myself permission to unconditionally love myself and accept myself
just as I am; I give myself permission to unconditionally love
others; I give myself permission to release the
addiction I have and understand the lessons associated with it;
I give myself permission to be open and
receptive to communication from my spirit guides or guardian angels
and ask for God's protection in this communication at all times;
I give myself permission to face my fears and over-come them, no
matter what they might be; I give myself permission to attract
the perfect companion; I give myself permission to prepare for
and attract the perfect job for me;
I give myself permission to grow from my
emotional pain and to move into a space of complete understanding
and peace. If I am bound by depression, I ask that I be set
free, and given the understanding of how to face it and deal with
it. I give myself permission to see the light at the end of
the tunnel, have the strength and courage to move towards it and set
myself free from this darkness;
I am lonely! I give myself permission to become a friend to
even the lowest of God's creatures and in being a friend to others,
attract friends to myself. I give myself permission to know,
without a doubt, that I am not alone, even when I cannot see those
that are in spirit around me; and so forth...
you get the idea!
we are each a part of the Creator, it is reasonable to
assume that deep within ourselves is the answer to every
question we will ever ask."
Judy Goodman |

"Possibly the clearest guide anywhere,
to the workings of the spirit and physical worlds.
Here are the answers to the profound questions from
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spirit world everyday."
Click here to preview...
Judy's audio book has
been downloaded in twenty three countries |
Without forgiveness we
cannot move forward. Find out why this is so
critical to everything in your life. |
I forgive myself for anything I may
have done wrong in this life, or in any other life.
I accept the lessons; I am at peace with the lessons and
I release them.
I forgive any person who may have
harmed me in any way in this life, or in any other life.
I accept the lessons, I am at peace with them and I
release them.
It is one thing to read these words and
repeat them over and over. You must move into the
space of speaking from your heart. Use this as a
guide, you can change any of the words around if
you want to, but speak from your heart and soul.
Until all life's situations truly matter to you, until
you speak from your heart and soul, nothing will change
for you.
When you 'think' about this it is only a
single thought, and accomplishes very little. When
you hold this in your heart and when you experience the
'feeling' of this, your energy will begin the process of
change. |
Do You Empower Yourself?
What is it that
empowers you? There are many events in our lives that can take
away our power. The good news is that we always have a choice
to retake authority over our own lives – WE HAVE ALWAYS HAD THE
at your life and ask yourself how is it working for you.
…find time to pray/meditate and
connect with the God source as I understand it;
…remember I am not alone and I
am loved beyond even my own understanding;
…forgive myself and forgive
…understand the painful
experiences of my life are not meant to be a punishment, but an
opportunity to learn and grow;
…give of myself without
restraint and limitations;
…allow the child within me to
be a part of my life;
…when I honor others and when I
am honorable;
…and so
Write down some of the things you wish to change
as yo |
If you would like to read my commentary regarding
life's purpose,
visit this
link. There are some very interesting
thoughts that might help you understand your own search.
Let me know what you think...
learn how to do Heart2Heart
Learn how to do "Heart2Heart"
work. A powerful tool that you can use to help bring
about changes with people, a country, leadership, world
situations etc...
If you are able to put aside
your own feelings and judgment of what you think might be
the 'right thing,' may I challenge you to utilize this
tool for infinite possibilities...