Thought For The Day...
 Author, Coach, Speaker, Teacher
Beyond Conventional Wisdom



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   What is your "high place'?  It is that place of calm that your mind will experience when you are in your most peaceful, calm and quiet place. That might be prayer or meditation; for some of us it could be a walk on the beach or the trip into natures elements. For some of us it is those moments just before we fall asleep, or when we are just wakening up. Pay attention to those moments and find your own high place. For those of you wondering why that statement is in quotes, it was given to me by the God of my understanding when I was working with a client, and was instructed to pass that on in as many ways as I could.

   I originally wrote this work in 2003! As meaningful as the words were then, they seem even more valuable today considering all of the things that are unfolding around us now.

   With each new day comes different challenges; it is like the rules of life keep changing faster than we can adjust and prepare for the next event.  Within each of us will be certain bits of knowledge that will be part of the sustaining element that allows us to continue on with our journey in this life. Think about this as 'affirmations' that will be very beneficial in your daily walk...

   This is not about your belief system which you should always work to maintain and keep intact. Perhaps another way of looking at this will be to find additional words, and phrasing, that will add to the arsenal of things we can do each day to become better and stronger within ourselves.


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Working and Teaching Beyond Conventional Wisdom:  Trained  in Hypnosis, Certified Professional Coach, Relationship Counselor, Addiction Recovery Coach, Grief Support and, an internationally recognized intuitive. 

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