Intuitive business consulting that
enables your business to work more
effectively. This work
incorporates executive and personal
coaching. |
Over the last century, we have harnessed analytical skills
and the scientific method to create a technologically
advanced society. In the process, we have lost touch with
one of our most valuable gifts - the capacity to know.
Reconnecting with our natural intuitive abilities is
essential to
our success - it is the x-factor giving some
people creative and strategic advantage. More and more
major companies are investing in the highest human potential
- an intuition to thrive, particularly in the challenging
times we face now. |
Are you tired of
approaching change in the same
way your grandfather did,
getting the same tired and
ineffective results? When
you work with Judy Goodman your
solutions will always be
individually approached.
No two business needs are ever
the same.
Judy has worked,
privately, for over thirty years
with individuals and companies
to see the potential of their
business success - 'out of the
box.' One of the first
things she will teach you is to
utilize your own intuition and
see things from an entirely
different perspective.
When working with Judy,
you will learn leadership
development, performance
improvement and communication
tools for teams and individuals.
Her work has never been limited
to business, but has included
professional sports and
entertainment personalities too.
Whatever your position in the
working environment, if you are
not reaching your full
potential, perhaps a
consultation with Judy will open
your own awareness and help you
be more successful.
Certain aspects of this work can
be done over the phone; in some
cases a 'site consultation' will
be more appropriate. |
on Judy's business expertise and
her intuitive ability, she was
asked to participate in
negotiations between Russia and
the U.S. regarding an aircraft
of the future.
is not about training
you to do a better job,
you already know how to
do that. This is
about changing the way
you think in today's
economy. Your
mindset is probably
based on 'old school'
thinking, and you don't
understand why that will
not take you to the next
level of business growth
and development.
You will have to work on
yourself; after all, you
are the energy behind
the machine that makes
your business run.
If you have problems in
your personal life, this
will have a direct
impact on your business
life. Are you
willing to be honest
about yourself; can you
be honest enough to set
yourself free and move
to the next level?
Convert your own
unexpected challenges
into opportunities.
I ntuition
fuels limitless creativity, widens our
perception of the possible, and spans
the void between the reasonable and the
unreasonable. |
"In my business career, I have had the benefit of hearing
some truly charismatic speakers, such as Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy,
Tony Robbins, etc. And
then, I heard Judy Goodman
speak. Not only did she speak
without a single note for three
days’ classes and seminars, she
never lost the attention of the
audience. We were all
captivated by her message and
her intuitive ability to zero in
on each of our ‘needy spots.’ I
rank Judy among the very finest
seminar leaders and speakers in
the country today, and her
message is always enlightening
and on target!" S. Burden,
Business Executive - Atlanta, GA |
Intuitive Business
Consulting: $250 per
hour by phone |
Intuitive Business Consulting: $1,500 per eight hour
on site,
plus expenses. |
Intuitive Business
Consulting: Group training
on site will be negotiated
per your company needs and
number of attendees. |
$1,000 OPTION
In the event your credit
card information is processed without your card being present, there
will be a service fee added to the total charge. When using PayPal
there are no additional fees added. |
If you are making a payment for business
consulting, you will have already
discussed this with Judy. If you
have any questions please contact Judy
directly by
email. |
‘Developing Individual and Organizational Intuitive
Capacity’ This work should be done in three steps, and is
best learned in sequence. (Perfect for business
a business leader, you will be
more effective when you expand
your own intuitive skills and
instincts. Once you are
able to move beyond traditional
skills, the radical shift will
expand your ability to work at
the highest level, and you will see your
highly developed skills in
action. |
Get ready for the ride of your life!
As the pace of change
approaches frantic,
intuition matters more
than ever. The pressure
to be efficient,
innovative, and savvy
increases as competition
becomes fierce and
resources become scarce. |
Your intuition is one of your
highest human potentials!

Secure online
payments! |