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Beyond Conventional Wisdom     

    Author, Coach, Speaker, Teacher     
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The next class will be about...


When the details are ready, they will be posted here.  You can submit a question early and ask Judy something that she will answer during the class.

Ask Question about Death and Dying!

This will be answered during the class, along with any other questions that come in.



Listen free! if you want to see what a class might be like...

Teleconference class!  "The world is your mirror."

  58+ minutes long...



8:00 PM EST for approximately 1 hour, we usually run over a little...




   Immediately following the class we will have an 'open-mic.' session for questions and answers.

    Take time  to write your questions down during the class.

 During our classes, we ask that you not record the presentation, but be prepared to take good notes.

This information was directly taken from our last class, and is only a sample of what we discussed!

"...According to our ‘soul contract’
and the goals of this life, we will seek and hold onto our ‘truth.’ Whatever that is, it
will be important for you to walk that path as long as it does not infringe on the
rights of another person..."

"...In truth, you are the total of all things you have ever been, both good and
bad. While there is sometimes value in remembering the past, it is infinitely more
important to walk in the present..."
"...forgiveness is the perfect gift we can give
ourselves. You cannot move forward with your life and expect it to be better when
you have not learned how to forgive..."
"...The question, for some of us, will be whether or not we are
good teachers. Walk your path! Live your life as if every moment is being judged
by the actions of those who learn from you. We have a tremendous responsibility
to be the best person we can be.."
"...The bottom line… it is not what we have,
but what we give away..."
"...Everything in life is about choice; this may be
the most important choice you learn to master..."
"...Would you rather
walk 100 different paths, each filled with some level of pain or, walk the ones you
must, and learn from another?..."

   I originally wrote this work in 2003! As meaningful as the words were then, they seem even more valuable today considering all of the things that are unfolding around us now.

   With each new day comes different challenges; it is like the rules of life keep changing faster than we can adjust and prepare for the next event.  Within each of us will be certain bits of knowledge that will be part of the sustaining element that allows us to continue on with our journey in this life. Think about this as 'affirmations' that will be very beneficial in your daily walk...

   This is not about your belief system which you should always work to maintain and keep intact. Perhaps another way of looking at this will be to find additional words, and phrasing, that will add to the arsenal of things we can do each day to become better and stronger within ourselves.


 During our classes, we ask that you not record the presentation, but be prepared to take good notes.

$100 per person
$150 for two or more at same location.

It is okay to pay one fee ($150) and get a group together in your home.


**For some people the time just doesn't work!  Pay for the class and advise me that you will want the mp3 download of the class, so you can hear it at a time more convenient for you.

     When you pay for the class, you will receive an email acknowledging your class registration. Approximately 24 hours before the class you will receive another email with your log-in instructions for the class.  It will be important to mark this date on your calendar and watch your email for the class instructions. It is your responsibility to check for this information to ensure your attendance in the class. Your class registration is for both the class, and the open-mike session.  You will not want to miss either session.  Be sure to allow enough time that evening for the full event.

"...Thank you for the Changing Your Reality teleconference class series and a wonderful class seven.  You packed so much information into this final class, I could not keep up with my notes...The journey continues to apply all your teachings and change my reality..."

 "...I’ve heard your teachings many times, but today I felt they belong in a category that transcends time and space. We change, we move (hopefully forwards), we age, our lives take so many turns...  But your teachings have become a life guiding check list to review the course of my compass time and again along this journey. A journey that we know did not started in this lifetime and will never end, but it is the most important simply because it is the only moment that we have to make a difference..." 

"...Your ability to teach us at such advanced levels is amazing. One of the things that most amazes me is how easy you make it seem; how understandable you make it for me, and how you weave one thing into another to show me just how it all fits, and plays such an important roll in my  life. There is such a calmness to your voice when you teach, and you present this understandable, embraceable, knowledge without being in ego and pride.  Not sure how you do it, but grateful to have learned from you..."


1A hard look at understanding pain. CLASS ONE (Wednesday September 26th) COMPLETED

2.  What is the purpose of your life?  CLASS TWO (Wednesday October 24th)  COMPLETED

3.  The key to unlocking your future!  3 Doors Concept! CLASS THREE (Wed Nov 28th)  COMPLETED

4.  What is the best gift you can give/receive? CLASS FOUR ( January 23rd)  COMPLETED

5.  Forgiveness changes everything!  CLASS FIVE (February 20th 2019) COMPLETED

6.  Do not become your environment! CLASS SIX  (Wednesday, March 20th, 2019  COMPLETED      

7.  Wednesday May 15th - overview, final class of 'Changing Your Reality' series.  COMPLETED  

8.  From Forgiveness to Extraordinary! How to create something extraordinary... the next big step you have been waiting for. Amazing new knowledge, never been taught before.  COMPLETED  

9.  Where are our children going, what is our part in their journey! This was a stunning class, nothing like it has been presented before.  COMPLETED    

10. COMPLETED CLASS - "Forgiveness is a way to move forward." Sometimes the weight of unresolved issues converts to illness, sleepless nights, panic attacks, labored breathing, anger, poor health, depression, an inability to make choices or decisions and move forward…have I forgotten anything?  Have you considered that as long as you carry that burden around, you are teaching it to those that are around you, or the people in your life are a product of that environment? If you want to read more about 'Forgiveness' visit PreviousNewsletters.htm

11. COMPLETED CLASS - "The Importance Of What We Leave Behind."    Great class, we were packed with participants from west coast to east coast, and out of country.

12. COMPLETED CLASS - "What does the future hold?" Are you writing the script, are you observing or participating? What part does the past play in the future?

13.  The Road Maps of our Lives.  COMPLETED

13.  Prayer and Meditation With a Twist...  COMPLETED

14.  Color and Tone - part of creating our vision...  (COMPLETED)

15.  What if you do things differently? 10 Commitments for daily living.    (September 13th) 

16.  Am working on a class on 'Death and Dying'

   To attend this class, you must send in an email to reserve your space.  When you submit your request, tell me what topics you would like to hear presented - WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN? (anything)

   A recent class, held in Denver, was an intense, three-part, class that taught how to work in the past, the present and the future. In the PAST you will make any necessary closures; you will pull your strengths forward, and leave behind those things that do not serve you now; you will evaluate lessons learned so as not to repeat any that do not serve you.  In the PRESENT you will bring your knowledge together, understand and rewrite some of your goals. You will do cleanup of some miss-steps you are making at this time. You will change many of the words you use daily; words that are holding you back! This is the place where you make decisions that may change your life for the better, forever.  In the FUTURE you will establish the things that have value to you, and in a manner of speaking, you will plant the seeds of your future harvest (your dreams)!

"Thank you for being here and being the “Teacher of  Teachers” I know now why I called you..."

     "Judy Goodman, a gifted soul who is able to enlighten those who are searching for a deeper understanding of the death process.” Ruth Montgomery - Ruth Montgomery was a former White House correspondent and best-selling author of sixteen books on metaphysical and paranormal topics. Her last book was 'The World To Come.'

     "Judy's workshops are always beyond expectation!.  Even if you must travel, do not miss an opportunity to study with one of the most gifted, and incredibly knowledgeable people I know"



Ken Elliott     Ken Elliott Art


     Would you like to hear my show, with Marianne, that was recently aired? it is an hour long; in this segment I discuss how to change your reality.  

     You may want to download Marianne's app - "Moments With Marianne" to your smart phone. You will be able to listen to an extensive list of interviews that Marianne has done with leading authorities on an extremely wide range of topics.  Her show has been picked up by iHeart Radio, and is going international now.  Don't miss such an incredible opportunity. It won't cost you anything; it doesn't get any better than that!

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     "Journey... the Quest of the Soul" by Judy Goodman was announced as a Pinnacle Book Achievement Award recipient! Get your copy today and see what the buzz is all about, and learn profound answers about the spirit and physical worlds. 

The audio book has been downloaded in twenty three countries!


    If you are scheduling a private appointment with Judy at any of her events, you may pay for that here.  You should have already contacted Judy directly to ensure that you have a date and time.  These appointments usually fill prior to Judy's arrival.


Contact Judy directly to schedule your appointment

Working and Teaching Beyond Conventional Wisdom:  Trained  in Hypnosis, Certified Professional Coach, Relationship Counselor, Addiction Recovery Coach, Grief Support and, an internationally recognized intuitive. 

 1999 - 2024 Judy Goodman © ~ All Rights Reserved Worldwide


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